Coach, Speaker, Inventor & Mom

Personal/ Professional Endorsements

Melissa Zuber - LICSW Mental Health Therapist

“Connie Sylvester inspires you to believe things about yourself that you had only been brave enough to wonder about in small corners of your mind. She is an advocate for dreams and futures untold.”
Melissa Zuber - LICSW Mental Health Therapist

Lindi Carlson - Realtor NRG

"Connie truly is a realtor's best friend, she has the skills and vision to see a client's needs through from cleaning, staging, selling valuables to moving out. She has a great personality for dealing with clients of all scopes and has a foolproof plan to work with all people regardless of what stage they are at in their moving and selling process. I recommend her to anyone who wants a dynamic speaker to motivate their real estate agents and help them understand her general contractor process which will add value to the agent's clientele! She is motivated to help people and understands what they need to move to the next stage of living life to the fullest."
Lindi Carlson - Realtor NRG

Carley Shimkus - Fox and Friends

"One of the most inspirational stories at the Made in America conference is that of Connie Sylvester."
Carley Shimkus - Fox and Friends

Carley Shimkus - Fox and Friends

"Love Connie. She is a fabulous lady!"
Carley Shimkus - Fox and Friends

Ainsley Earhardt - Fox and Friends

"That is Genius" (Regarding Mommy Armor USA)
Ainsley Earhardt - Fox and Friends

Talor Whitaker - Comcast Newsmakers

"Inventor and CEO of ARM-LOC Connie Sylvester is one woman you need to know!"
Talor Whitaker - Comcast Newsmakers

Charlie Bebus - CEO, Guard Guys

" I have been on TV with Connie and she makes it look so easy! Within the business realms, she is a beacon of inspiration. With her visionary mindset and unwavering determination, she paves the way for success!"
Charlie Bebus - CEO, Guard Guys

Steve Kidd - Podcast, Author

Connie Sylvester is an amazing guest. She is funny and informative and speaks from a place of experience. Connie is not one of those people who talks theory or about things she has seen done, she talks about things that she HAS done. Not afraid to walk into a room full of firemen or a boardroom full of executives to help them make the change they have been unable to see. Her stories will inspire and educate you. Any organization, event, or show that is looking for a speaker that will deliver, Connie is who you are looking for!

Every time any of my clients or guests on my show has an invention or even an idea that could be an invention, I always send them to Connie. Her title the Made-in-America Mom is more than just catchy marketing, she is the expert at getting your product done and to market and doing it here in the US.
Steve Kidd - Podcast, Author